About the Blue Salt Collective

The Blue Salt Collective is an initiative of poets Knotbrook Taylor, Catriona Yule and Haworth Hodgkinson, established to present multimedia performances in which poetry is combined in innovative ways with other artforms. The idea grew out of The Spinners and Spoons Multimedia Event, presented at Aberdeen Arts Centre during the inaugural Wordfringe festival in May 2006, in which poetry and prose readings were combined with projected images, music and dance. By a careful selection of collaborating artists, the collective set about producing memorable and distinctive events with poetry at their core.

Since the summer of 2006, Blue Salt has presented several performances in which the poetry of its founder members is counterbalanced by projected photographic images by Knotbrook Taylor and music by Haworth Hodgkinson involving some characteristically out-of-the-ordinary instrumentation. The show has also included contributions from guest poets John Glenday, Rapunzel Wizard, Bernard Briggs, Helen Elizabeth Ramsey, Judith Taylor and Douglas W. Gray, as well as collaborations with dancer Mhairi Allan and sound artist David Liddell.

In parallel with the performances, Blue Salt has established itself as a small-scale publisher, bringing out a series of books by the founder members and their invited guests.

Please contact bluesalt@bluesalt.co.uk to arrange a performance by the Blue Salt Collective.

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